New confidence in DJI Spark

Been loving this thing, after today it’s really gained my confidence. Flew it out to corner of a field 1000ft away, then cruises down the tree line another 1000ft. All this at about 200 ft off ground, never had any signal issues at all, been using the reflectors thingys. Decided since I knew exactly where it was, 2000ft away and slowly decended below tree line, wondering how long it would hold signal and to see if automatic RTH worked. Which it did perfectly. Got signal loss error followed by the RTH sequence, it worked perfectly. Cam straight back toward me, then cancels it and continued flying.Also couple days ago i put it up with wind gusts approaching 30mph and it held it position EXTREMELY well, just some high speed warnings, but was still able to get some shots.Been very impressed with it so far. via /r/drones
