Is a commercial drone pilot license or permit worth it?

Context:In my country (South Africa), we need to obtain a commercial drone pilot license if we want to fly drones for anything more than basic hobby in a very restricted way.I'm currently a software developer of 15 years experience that's looking for an alternative career.Apart from the cost of equipment, the drone pilot license costs around R20k ($2000) to obtain and then further fees for thermal certs etc. Total cost estimate is around $10,000 - $20,000 for licenses and some relatively decent equipment.I earn around $120k a year from software development, so the monetary cost of doing the license is not a problem, it's more that I just don't know anyone who has and therefore have no point if reference.Is it worth obtaining and is it viable way to perhaps start a career flying drones professionally? If so, what kind of income potential does it have ? via /r/drones
