Need help figuring out why my FC rebooted several times when plugging in a battery. None of my wires are loose and I can no longer replicate the issue. Advice?

So I had a crash which caused my FC to reboot. It was at the end of the battery, so I popped in a new battery and the FC rebooted several times within 5 seconds. The XT60 connection was a little loose (some of them are like that) and I switched batteries to confirm the issue. The new battery did not cause it to reboot, so I went ahead and flew it and another pack afterwards with no issues.Then at the end of the 3rd pack, about 2 mins into the flight (no crashes at all during the flight), I lost a blade off of a prop for some unknown reason which caused massive jello and caused my FC to reboot and crash.I'm home right now and disassembled everything, but everything looks good and none of the solder joints look loose. I plugged a battery in and generously wiggled everything, but I still can't get it to reboot.Any idea what could be going on?My setup:Mamba F7DJI Air Unit6S via /r/drones
